About Dried Figs

Due to the difference in the appearance of dried figs, gardeners and sellers classify them in different grades.

Per capita consumption of dried fig in Iran and other countries

According to official statistical information of International Nut & Dried Fruit Council the production average of dried fig is around 135000 Mtn/year in last five years, that, Turkey is the world leader and shares 55% of world total production followed by Iran which shares %17, USA shares %7 in the world ranking. Also, other countries such as Greece, Afghanistan, Spain, and Italy produce dried fig. Iranian dried fig, especially Estahban dried figs are unique in quality on the global level. Based on INC official statistics, per capita consumption of dried fig is around 35gr in Iran and 20gr in the world. (Read about dried figs global market, too)

Dried fig processing method

Figs are dried by sun-drying or industrial, and both methods are used in some factories. When the figs are dried by the sun, it takes more time to produce the final product, while it is produced faster by the industrial method. Sunlight is used to dry figs in gardens mainly. In this method, the fruit lasts on the tree until it is half-dried. After fruits are fallen from trees and collected, they will be placed in a special location already made but dry air and drying materials are used in order to dry fruits in the factories.

Quality control Criteria of Dried Fig

Appearance shape, product size, product color, product taste, opening mouth percentage, product moisturize and product health are important factors to control the quality of dried figs. For maximum sizes and more (in open mouth products) and the colors are yellow and white.

Dried fig Consumption

This product is used in the following industries:

  •  Nut and dried fruit industry
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Confectionary (jam, ice cream, marmalade)

Dried fig storage

The most important factors to store dried fig are the environment temperature, light and dryness in order to avoid increasing the Aflatoxin rate of the product. Because the dried fruits have high potential to absorb the environment moisture. Additionally, the storage conditions should keep the product safe of insects attack.

Production areas of Iranian dried fig

The major share of producing dried fig in Iran belongs to Fars province (more than %95) which the best ones are produced in Estahban, Neiriz, Absard, Jahrom cities. But it is also produced in other provinces such as Khorasan, Kermanshah, Khoozestan, and Kerman.

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