Dried figs are used in the pharmaceutical industry as they contain an enzyme that is considered to be an aid to digestion. This proteolytic enzyme, also known as ficin, primarily contained in the stem of the fruit, helps to break down tissue and was for many years the major ingredient in Adolph’s Meat Tenderizer. Dried figs are often used in baking as figs contain a natural humectant — a chemical that will extend freshness and moistness in baked products.
Another chemical found in figs, Psoralens, has been used for thousands of years to treat skin pigmentation
diseases. Psoralens that occur naturally in figs, some other plants, and fungi, is a skin sensitizer
that promotes tanning in the sun.
Harvest & Drying process
For many people, the fruit drying process is a mystery. Unless it is written on the package, you do not know if the fruit is tray dried in the field (laid out on trays in the field to dry in the sun), if they dry on the tree or drop to the ground and dry.
IN TAHER COMPANY WE OFFERS THOSE TAYPE OF FIGS WHICH ARE dried naturally on the tree and then fall to the ground where they can be harvested for the dried market.
What makes TAHER’S DRIED FIGS stand out is the quality, flavor and
Customer Satisfaction factors.
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