How to plant pistachios

Pistachio farming; known as a very profitable activity ,  has always been considered by farmers and gardeners. Once planted, farmers have to wait for a relatively long time for the pistachio trees to bear fruit. The method of planting, fertilizing, spraying and removing pests of pistachios can play an important role in harvesting high quality pistachios. Here we try to get more familiar with planting pistachio seedlings and discuss all the important and necessary points in planting a quality pistachio tree.

How to plant pistachios

What is a pistachio tree?

Pistachio tree planting biography:

Pistachio tree is one of the trees that is specific to temperate and warm regions. This tree does not grow well in cold regions and does not withstand severe frosts. Pistachio roots become quite deep; Therefore, the soil in which pistachios are grown should be well permeable so that the roots can penetrate well into the soil. The height of pistachio trees is usually low. It takes several years after planting a pistachio tree to bear fruit.

Types of pistachio planting methods:

Among the types of pistachio planting methods, the following three methods can be mentioned:

  • Planting seeds in the ground: For planting pistachios as seeds in the ground, furrows with a width of 50 to 100 cm should be created; So that they have a depth of about 50 to 70 cm. The seeds should be soaked in water for 12 hours. After preparing the soil, place the seeds in a depth of 2 to 3 cm of soil and pour sand on it. In this method, you should irrigate once every 10 to 15 days.
  • Planting pistachios in pots: Planting pistachios in pots is best done in early spring. This requires black plastic bags. The diameter of these plastic bags for pistachio planting is 10 to 15 cm and its height is 25 to 30 cm. Fill them with fertilizer, cow manure and sand. Plant the pre-soaked seed at a depth of 2 to 3 cm and cover it.
  • Planting in the treasury: In this method, land with an area of 10 to 30 meters is needed. Sow pre-soaked seeds at 10 to 15 cm intervals. This method requires irrigation once in 7 days. You can keep the seedlings in this land for one to two years and after this period, transfer the pistachio seedlings to the main land in winter.

How to plant pistachios:

How to plant pistachio seedlings; It should be in such a way that male and female seedlings are planted together so that the trees bear fruit. For this purpose, a male pistachio tree should be planted next to every 15 female pistachio trees. In order for planting to be done in a more principled way, it is better to plant more male trees. Because it is difficult to distinguish a male pistachio tree from a female and may be misdiagnosed, it is best to increase the number of male trees in the garden.

What is the planting distance of pistachio tree? Tips for planting pistachios:

In planting pistachio seedlings or planting pistachio trees; The right distance must be maintained so that there is enough space as it grows. It is usually recommended that the planting distance of each pistachio tree with the next tree be about 4 to 5 meters. Since pistachio trees grow about 10 meters, the planting rows of pistachio trees should be spaced 5 to 6 meters.

Pistachio seedlings should be planted in areas that are fully exposed to sunlight. Sunlight on the pistachio tree can have a positive effect on its fruiting. Usually the soil pH for planting pistachio trees should be around 7 to 7.5; Therefore, soil with a neutral acidity is very suitable for planting.

What is the best season to plant pistachios:

The best time to plant pistachio seedlings is when the seedlings are dormant. In the tropics, it is best to plant the tree in the fall. In fact, the roots of the seedlings have to adapt to the new environment before the cold days arrive; Otherwise, planting seedlings will fail.

Is it possible to grow pistachio trees in the garden:

For planting pistachio trees; In the garden, first pay attention to the climate of your place of residence. If you are in the tropics, you can start planting pistachios. To start growing a pistachio tree in the garden, first wash the pistachio seeds and place them in a damp cloth. Place the seeds with this cloth at room temperature for up to a week. You can plant the seeds in pots or in the garden.

It is better to sow pistachio seeds in late winter or early spring. Place the seeds 2 to 3 cm deep in the soil and pour sand over them. If you are planting seedlings in pots, it is best to move them into the garden in the fall or spring so that pistachio seedlings can be planted successfully.

What is suitable soil for growing pistachio seedlings and what should be its characteristics?

Suitable soil for growing pistachio seedlings should be neutral in terms of acidity. Soil pH is very important. The soil should also be such that the pistachio tree can take root. Therefore, it must have good permeability

How to irrigate a pistachio tree:

Pistachio tree does not need daily watering. In fact, pistachios are among the trees that need little water and therefore survive in desert and tropical areas. Even in the months when there is no rain, there is not much need for irrigation. Under normal circumstances, watering on a weekly basis is very suitable.

How pistachio tree grafting is done:

There are three common methods for transplanting a pistachio tree. Abdominal grafting, tubular grafting and chisel grafting are three methods of grafting pistachios. For successful grafting, environmental conditions, proximity to the base and grafting, pest control and other factors affecting pistachio growth must be observed.

In abdominal transplantation, a vertical incision is made in the base skin; Another cut is made on it to make a T shape. In transplantation, the end-of-base tube is cut and the skin is removed to the transplant site. In chisel grafting, the base is placed on diameters of 3 cm to 10 cm. In chisel grafting, the scion is taken from one-year-old branches.

How to fertilize after planting pistachio tree:

For proper pistachio tree fruiting, it is better to fertilize twice a year. Place the fertilizer under the soil at a distance of 30 to 35 cm from your trees.

It is recommended to use animal manures such as cattle and sheep manure in autumn to winter. The use of chemical fertilizers and phosphorus in proportion to the irrigation period of the pistachio tree can be useful.

What are the most common diseases and pests of pistachio tree?

The most important pest of pistachio trees is ordinary pistachio psyllids or dried sap. Psyllid is a small insect that sucks the sap of the plant and increases the emptiness of the pistachio. This pest weakens the pistachio and also causes stains on its leaves.

How is gardening and necessary care for pests and diseases of pistachio trees?

To control pistachio pests such as psyllids, yellow and sticky traps should be used to attract insects. But the most useful solution is spraying in May, which can greatly eliminate pistachio tree pests.

We have several types of pruning and how to prune pistachio trees:

Form pruning and cup pruning are two types of pistachio tree pruning. Form pruning is done to correct extra branches. Cup-shaped pruning gives the overall appearance of the tree the shape of a cup. In this form of pruning, the bottom of the tree grows thin and the top of it. This pruning is rarely done in Iran.

What are the types of Iranian and foreign pistachio trees:

Famous cultivars and types of Iranian pistachios include Kaleghoochi pistachio, Fandoghi, Ahmad Aghaei pistachio and Akbari pistachio. External types of pistachios include Peters pistachios, Red Alpo and Randy pistachios.

What are the properties and vitamins of pistachios?

Planting a pistachio tree; And then its Kernel; It has many properties. Rich pistachios:

  1. of protein,
  2. Iron,
  3. Potassium,
  4. Sodium,
  5. It is an antioxidant and zinc.

Usually people with physical weakness or anemia with pistachio consumption can provide for their physical health and strength.

summary and Conclusion:

In this article, we tried to discuss all the important points related to planting pistachio trees. This product can bring good income for farmers and good currency for the country. It should be noted that pistachio trees usually take 7 to 8 years to bear fruit. Therefore, by this time, people must have the necessary patience for pistachio trees to bear fruit. By observing all the above, you can produce fruit trees and quality products and send them to the market.

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