Effective measures to protect the pistachio kernel

Fine processing, post processing and transporting of dried fruits & nuts, have great effects on improving quality, applied value, physical properties and finally marketing of this product.

On the other hand, effective measures shall be taken to protect against the inclusion of extraneous materials in pistachio nuts. Any incidence of foreign material harms the consumer, undermines confidence in the brand and decrease customer’s satisfaction.

On the other hand, effective measures shall be taken to protect against the inclusion of extraneous materials in pistachio nuts. Any incidence of foreign material harms the consumer, undermines confidence in the brand and decrease customer’s satisfaction.

Detection and control in product processing

Fine processing, post processing and transporting of dried fruits & nuts, have great effects on improving quality, applied value, physical properties and finally marketing of this product.

We in TAHER AGROINDUSTRIAL GROUP, consider our customers as a most valuable asset that we have and attempt to  continuously improves the safety and quality of our products. In this regards, we use this type of machinary to detect foreign materials in pistachio & improve the qualiy of our products.

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