Properties of pistachio kernels

Plant protein, rich starches and minerals such as potassium and magnesium in the medicinal properties of pistachio kernel provide many of the body's needs..

Properties of pistachio kernels

 Pistachio consumption is very valuable for growing children. Pistachios contain significant amounts of the amino acid “arginine”, which is effective in the secretion of growth hormone and in addition, in the pancreatic gland, it also releases the hormone  insulin.

Medicinal properties of pistachio kernel

Pistachio kernel have a warm and dry nature

Pistachio is a rich source of antioxidants that contain

Vitamin A


Fatty acids and unsaturated

Vitamin E











Pistachio also has high amounts of vitamin B6  and  thiamine.  

Pistachio kernel is one of the medicinal properties that is very beneficial for the health of red blood cells.

In addition to the mentioned amount values , pistachio kernel contains

B vitamins including vitamin  B2,  B1





And pantothenic acid.

Plant protein, rich starches and minerals such as potassium and magnesium in the medicinal properties of pistachio kernel provide many of the body's needs.

Pistachio consumption is very valuable for growing children.

Pistachios contain significant amounts of the amino acid “arginine”, which is effective in the secretion of growth hormone and in addition, in the pancreatic gland, it also releases the hormone  insulin.

For this reason, pistachios have long been used for improving children's growth and removing anemia.

Raw pistachios are a good source of vitamins A  and  E,  both fight with inflammatory diseases in the body.

One of the medicinal properties of pistachio kernel  is that it plays a role in lowering blood cholesterol and has strong antioxidant properties.

Accordingly, it can also play a role in reducing the incidence of heart disease.

In addition, pistachios are useful for calming the heart and calming nerves, and its consumption is recommended to open the liver ducts.

One of the medicinal properties of pistachio kernel is that it strengthens the stomach and is also useful for relieving cough.

To remove the warm nature of pistachios, which causes hives or red grains on the skin. It is better to have it with apricot, peach or sour pomegranate leaves  to neutralize its warmth.

Pistachios also contain essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid.

Another medicinal properties of Pistachio kernel is pistachio oil , a yellow and clear liquid which is obtained from pistachio kernel  extract and has nutritional and therapeutic properties,

Among the healing properties of pistachios, the following can be mentioned :

Strengthening the heart and memory, strengthening the stomach, treating diarrhea, especially through the use of pistachio  green skin, strengthening the gums and treating mouth pimples, mouth well odor and hair loss treatment are also noted.

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