11 An important point when planting pistachio seedlings

Points to be followed when planting pistachio seedlings

Planting pistachio seedlings, like anything else, requires special conditions and a period of 8 years for harvesting. In order to succeed in pistachio planting, you must get to know this information; Otherwise, you will not get a good pistachio. As you probably know; Iran is the largest exporter of pistachios in the world. So this is a good opportunity for people who want to learn how to plant pistachios.

1- Perform a soil test before planting

Gardeners are advised to choose the desired location and land with the opinion of horticultural experts one year before building a pistachio garden and by sampling from different depths of the soil (at least up to 120 cm), the state of fertility, soil texture, soil pH, study the presence or absence of limiting layers of limestone, chalk and gravel in the soil of this land to remove its limitations if possible.

If this land has a special problem, planting pistachio seedlings in it should be abandoned and a more suitable land should be selected

2- Preparation of planting plan and land preparation

After choosing the land, it should be prepared by performing operations such as plowing, disking, fertilizing, leveling, mapping and dividing the land.

After selecting the appropriate planting plan (square, rectangle, triangle or rhombus) according to the slope of the land, the weather conditions of the region, the tree training system, etc. 1*1*1 meters should be dug in regular rows and with the required intervals according to the type of variety, base and cuttings of the desired seedling.

Then these holes are filled with a mixture of rotted animal manure and surface soil and irrigated until the soil settles inside the holes , after the soil is covered, seedlings are planted.

3- Planting pistachio seedlings at the right time

Regarding the time of planting seedlings, if the region has a mild winter, planting seedlings in autumn is better than spring, because in autumn planting, seedlings are well established in the soil until spring, the wound of the roots is repaired and the seedlings are ready to grow and develop.

It means that in terms of time, the seedling is early, but if the region has a cold and frosty winter, spring planting is preferred.

4- Disinfection of seedlings before planting

After the ground is completely prepared, the seedlings are removed from the soil, then the roots of the seedlings are placed in the pralinage solution for 5 minutes and immediately planted in the holes.

This solution contains 300 grams of benomyl or topsin fungicide, 10 kilos of clay or ash, 5 kilos of dry sieved and 100 liters of water.that, while disinfecting the roots and wounded areas, a thin layer of food is placed on the roots. which is used in the early stages of growth.

5- Planting pistachio seedlings with appropriate depth

The seedling should be planted in the hole in such a way that the crown of the seedling does not go under the soil and does not cause suffocation of the seedling and crown rot disease. In addition, a guardian must be placed next to each seedling in the pit and the seedling is tied to this guardian by a thread so that the tree can resist strong winds and the seedling can be well established in the soil with the growth and development of the roots.

6- Irrigation of pistachio seedlings

Immediately after planting the seedlings, the ground should be irrigated. Usually, in the first and second years, the tray irrigation method is recommended, and in the following years, the atmospheric and stack (leak) irrigation method is recommended.

An important point that should be taken into account when watering is that the trunk of the tree should not be in contact with water. If it is possible to implement a drip irrigation system in the garden from the very first year, the trees will suffer less irrigation stress

7- Correcting the planting depth of seedlings

Fifteen days after the first watering, the planted seedlings should be visited, and if a seedling has gone under the soil due to the settling of the soil, the seedling should be gently pulled up from the soil, and the soil should be poured on the roots again and the soil around the roots should be firmed.

8- Use of rotten animal manure

At the time of planting seedlings, unrotted animal manure should not be used because the roots are damaged, but it is safe to use chemical fertilizers according to the required and recommended amount.

9- Protection of seedlings from damage by rodents

If the seedling is killed in the fall, its stem should be covered with a wire net, plastic, sack, or any other device to protect it from rabbit and hedgehog attacks.

10- The use of agricultural plants in the garden bed

To reduce the costs of building and maintaining the garden and to generate income for the gardener in the years before the trees begin to bear fruit, planting plants such as wheat, barley, alfalfa, and clover between the rows of trees with proper spacing is not an obstacle, provided that the pistachio trees are not forgotten. And no special problem will arise for them

11- Careful management of the pistachio orchard

After planting pistachio seedlings, all crop care such as watering, weeding, weeding, fighting against pests, diseases, pruning and tree training should be done at the right time so that the seedlings grow well and after Enter the fruiting stage during vegetative maturity.

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